Life is lived in seasons. Some are full of light and laughter, whilst others weigh on us with potential to steal our joy and hope. In difficult seasons, it is not uncommon to feel forsaken by God, wonder if He hears, or lose the exuberance we once had to pray. In the process of writing and finalising my debut book, I experienced such disruption and trauma that caused me to doubt whether I understood God’s instructions clearly and whether He had forsaken me. Trouble abounded and although I could discern that it was intended by the enemy to distract me and derail my purpose, finding strength was often difficult. That was undoubtedly the most confusing, testing and depressing season of my life, but God did not leave me – He brought me through it, and taught me essential lessons which I share through my writing.
To all exhausted fellow pilgrims, in such dark seasons, don’t stop seeking God and don’t stop praying, even if all you can muster is a few lines. Even if you only ask questions, express your anger at God Himself or cry, it is better to continue to dialogue with Him through the valley than to denounce your relationship with Him.
If you’ve lost focus on time with God due to your problems like I did, or simply because of the busyness we sometimes navigate, these nuggets will help you to:
1. Remember that God still speaks in tough times;
2. Engage in prayers of praise and thanksgiving – God knows our thoughts and understands our pain;
3. Encourage your weary soul.
Heartfelt Prayers at the end of each entry will encourage you to pray honest prayers about your situation. Because our tests and storms are so varied, where there are blanks, fill them in according to your experiences.